ABC News (@ABC) / Twitter

Weight Watchers Ad - YouTube

Oprah Winfrey warns graduates against imposter syndrome in a commencement speech | Watch (

>>>>>Reddit - Dive into anything (voldy48)

Mass warps the dimensions of spacetime, as Albert Einstein proposed... in his theory of gravitation (general relativity)…

mezonthemove (@mezonthemove) | TikTok

"After watching the 'above' video, of a female in a 'general surgery residency program'... I began wondering, about how the term 'doctor'... was coined... Perhaps long ago, people were dealing with savages... and there was a need, to give the impression... that when this word was pronounced, such was a command... to 'open a door'... as though, such was some type... of distraction..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 3:07 PM (4/27/23)

Doc rhymes with 'knock'

MED SCHOOL VLOG| starting 2nd year, working out, good habits, making a to-do list - YouTube 


*Productive* WEEK IN THE LIFE OF A MED STUDENT - YouTube, 10:04 AM (4/30/23)


I am inclined, to relate to 0:00-0:21... on a daily basis...

Syed Brothers (@syedbrotherspak) | TikTok (dude walks into 'his' 1.25 billion dollar plantation)


🎀 ᔕᗩᒪᗰᗩ 🎀 (@salma_ben.abdalah) | TikTok (hospital family)

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple, of the Holy Spirit… within you… whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God, in your body…” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (according to Paul, the Apostle)

Laura Kummerle, PT, DPT, OCS on Instagram: “Core & ply circuit for ya! 3 rounds: 1. Rolling V ups - 3-4 each 2. Candlestick to SL jump - 4-5 each 3. Bicycle dragon flags - 6-8…” (11:46 AM, on 4/25/23)


[woman doing V-ups (advanced sit-ups, see: Exercise Tutorial - V-Up - YouTube), which reminded me of the following bible verse (regarding the 'physicality aspect')... given it seems as though, she is trying to 'squeeze into something'] 

Matthew 19:24

2:46 PM (4/1/23):
NOTE #1:
After watching the prior 2 videos, I concluded that losing weight is not necessarily the means... by which one becomes more efficient, with dimensions... in the context of such being presumed, as an aspect... of 'escaping reality'... Getting to heaven via natural means, 'is' more complex... than this... and one likely would have to walk in the footsteps, of Enoch (of the bible)... to do so. This implies one is continuously advancing, regarding his/her spirit, mind and body... in the context, of one's chronological age and biological age...
NOTE #2:
Obesity and anorexia, are 'body mass extremes (high and low, respectively)'... One should strive to have a healthy body mass index, although such may vary... based off one's muscle and fat composition (muscle weighs more, than fat)... Furthermore, one ought to have a certain vitality/energy... at whatever weight, one is... since this often is a reflection, of 'cardiovascular health'...
(an artistic depiction of 'Menalias,' ascending a mountain... at the age of 683...)
To my understanding, 'his' name is fictional...

(/\ '5' >>> 2:42 PM, on 3/14/23)
>>>>>14.40-meter (47'3") triple jump high school record:
Lafayette (Wildwood) HS Track Records ( ( <<<<<


>a woman by the name of Tracy Harmoush, discussing the implications of how one's form varies... based off his or her composition, with respect to muscle and fat< (4:50 AM (3/16/23)

ANALYSIS: Muscle weighs more, than fat... yet, my frame is 'relatively slender'... and I do not appear to be a 'fat individual'... yet, my muscle mass is noticeably much less... than that of Dwayne Johnson ('the Rock'). Thus, one wonders what may account for this 'misalignment' of form... and weight...
(to my understanding and recollection, on the left side I was about 225 pounds... while on the right, '30-40' pounds heavier... in the context, of the prior readings... on this blog... The photos were snapped, 4 years... apart)
5:01 AM (11/6/22): I have not weighed in a while, but I intend to soon...
(my daily caloric intake, tends to be 2,000-2,250 calories... to my understanding, and if this is the case... perhaps the 'weight readings' as of 10/6/22, are subject to unconventional variables (muscle weighs more than fat, and I am relatively 'slender, muscular'...)...

"Prevention is better, than the cure..." - Desiderius Erasmus

6:21 PM (4/5/23):
(I wonder what former president Donald Trump's 'muscle to fat' ratio is, given he was listed at 270 pounds... ...and in the context, of muscle weighing more... than fat)

5:00 PM (4/7/23):
(conflicting article, regarding the 'above one'... 240 lbs., is distinct from 270 lbs.)
NOTE #1:
Typically, the disposition of one's physicality (frame and cardiovascular health)... can corroborate readings (unless, one of the articles is just 'fake')
NOTE #2:
People don't lose 30 lbs., in '2' days... ...naturally, that is...
NOTE #3:
"the former president will face 34 class E felonies for falsification of business records in the case which revolves around the $130,000 payment of hush money..." (from article)
(personally, if one's business records are lied about... it's easier to do the same, for weight reading records)
NOTE #4:
Note number three is a recap, from my Facebook profile... regarding the link and excerpt, from such...
NOTE #5:
5:21 PM (4/7/23):
Nobody just gets out of bed, and says one day 'I woke up like this'... regarding 'genuine, weight loss'... ...if there is no 'documentation (selfies and diet, for instance),' from point A to Z... of that journey... ...and the prospect, that their form and stamina, are at odds... ...assuming, the means of weight loss... is structured...

6:05 PM (4/7/23):
NOTE #5:
The practice of medicine is typically structured, just as 'weight reading progression'... when using a scale, during 'an effective' dietary and exercise regimen...
NOTE #6:
In medicine, practice that is non-structured... could be an indication of (or pathway to) 'medical malpractice'... 
6:13 PM (4/7/23):
John 8:51

"Interesting narration by Carl Sagan, with Spanish (Espanol) subtitles... I understood the majority of the translation, given I took Spanish for '4 years of high school... and '1' year of such, at Seton Hall University..." - Michael Izuchukwu (9:51 AM, 3/22/23)
My analysis of that which was stated, is that sometimes... meaning can be lost, with translation... but religion is a subset, of spirituality...
8:50 PM (2/16/23):
[some black sweatpants (that were worn for prior scale readings), as of 8:17 PM... on 2/16/23... arguably, they weigh 2-3 pounds... ...and have now been scheduled for disposal, due to detection... of ticks - likely due, to the combination of moisture... and fabric]
I am thinking of wearing shorts, for future readings...

[Boardwalk of Virginia Beach, VA - summer 2019 (oceanfront)]

Find 'michael izuchukwu' on TikTok | TikTok Search (arguably, my TikTok accounts are like 'visual-based' videogames... that are 'non-controller'... due to their revisit/replay value)

8:31 AM (5/20/23):
"My weight, as of 8:15 AM... today (5/20/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 243 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
NOTE #1:
Interestingly, since post #3 (on 4/12/22)... I have lost a total of '25' pounds... In a sense, maybe that day was yesterday... and I just woke up, from a lengthy dream (in the context, of my energy level... being equitable, to what such had been 'then'... ...if not higher)...
NOTE #2:
4/12/22 was '403' days ago...
[this implies that I lost (on average) '1' pound/lb., every 16.12 days... over that time interval]
NOTE #3:
403 days translates to 1 year & 38 days... and it's interesting, that 1 year & 38 days, is the equivalent of 13 months & 8 days... This 'numerical anagram,' may be an indication... that something pertaining to 'dimensions,' is at work....
NOTE #4:
9:19 AM (5/20/23):
I was just reminded of this video... It took a while, but I managed to gain greater influence... at conscientiously shifting the movement, of the spinner... ...Interestingly, I also noted that the length of this video... is 2:47... so maybe that is God's way of telling me (based off the integers/numbers), that '247' lbs. ... is now my 'upper limit,' assuming my 'dietary intake and caloric expenditure'... are consistent, and that I continue to optimize... my 'physiological efficiency'....
...a divine sign, perhaps...

9:54 AM (5/20/23):
If anything, I am entertaining the notion... that this blog, ought to be concluded... the context, of such being a story I can tell... of how I lost '25' pounds, over the course... of 403 days... Nevertheless, the tracking continues ('is ongoing')... and I am gauging my options, for where further posts... can be relayed...

NOTE #5:
Perhaps, in a strange way... God is also saying that my 2016 'unratified' triple jump performance, at an indoor track meet (in Staten Island, NY)... translates to 16.12 meters (52.88972 feet, or 52'10")... as opposed to 53" (16.15 meters)... the context, of what had been described... via this blog:

(artistic depiction, of Jesus Christ... on the cross)
"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… ...according to what their deeds, deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to 'God the Father')

12:16 PM (5/11/23):
"My weight, as of 11:59 AM today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Over the past 10 days, I have experienced weight gain of 0.2 pounds (247.6 lbs to 247.8 lbs)... which attests, to some consistency... in my readings... Nevertheless, the stagnation in 'loss'... is likely attributable... to the fact, that I either need to mitigate my sugar intake (juice and candy, for instance)... or amplify, my plyometrics...
(video of Usain Bolt sprinting, with 'alien-like' music playing)
NOTE #2: 
I tend to eat healthily, but diagnosing the basis for stagnation... requires creativity...

10:24 AM (5/8/23):
"My weight, as of 9:32 AM (top) and 9:39 AM (bottom)... today (5/8/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Today, I figured out that both the digital and mechanical scales... are 'accurately calibrated'... after gauging what my weight was, when I was not holding my phone... in my hand, for both scales (prior to snapping each, of the above photos)...
NOTE #2:
Arguably, my hydration level... is good/high, which may account... for 'water weight'... Apparently, my weight 'gain or loss' was 'nonexistent'... for the past week (5/1/23 to 5/8/23)... ...indicating, that the weight scale readings are 'now' more reflective of my 'dietary intake'... than 'exercise,' in the context of me having a consistency... with daily walking (and a negligible amount, of plyometrics)...
NOTE #3:
I have the recollection, that my weight during my senior year of high school (2007-2008)... had been 204 lbs./pounds (when a census, was taken)... Perhaps that which has transpired, over the course... of the past 15 years... accounts for why at present, my physiology/form... is 43 pounds, heavier...
NOTE #4:
Muscle weighs more than fat, and arguably... when one is 'higher-minded,' there is a gravity that occurs... ...given that thoughts could be considered 'words (primarily comprised of letters, numbers and symbols),' which carry weight ('burden')...
[Columbia University's 269th Commencement Ceremony, 'is on 5/17/23'... as I had recently, been informed... and I just realized, that in terms of 'placements/placing'... one could think of the integer/number '269,' as looking up to '268...' which had been my weight (in lbs.) on 4/12/22... ...2nd place looks up to 1st place, podium-wise]

12:23 PM (5/1/23):
"My weight, as of 11:51 AM... today (5/1/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Arguably, the disposition of my 'baseline energy level'... is more efficient, than on 4/12/22 (when I was 268.6 lbs.)... but perhaps the same, in magnitude... It is logical to think, that as one's weight decreases... the effects of spacetime, cause the decrease... to be relatively asymptotic, if one experiences a 'constant, energy expenditure'...

2:08 PM (4/29/23):

2:16 PM (4/29/23):

5:19 PM (4/28/23):
"Interesting presentation, by Dr. Stacy Trasancos... that I just watched... I happen to also be an advocate of Catholicism, in the context of the Holy Trinity attesting... that God consists of 3 components/entities [the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit]...
NOTE #1:
On 1/17/23, I had made a remark via my blog 'Thoughts of the Prince of Darkness'... that:
I believe the difficulty of ascertaining the extent, of the atom's complexity... is confirmation, that God the Father... designed the cosmos/universe, intelligently...
NOTE #2:
The dude who appears at 1:11:00-1:11:40, in the black jacket... and sitting in the front row, towards the center (in the 'above' video)... is the same one, who appears at 0:04-0:12... in the following video...
NOTE #3:
Video for thought, in the context... of those, who wonder about the nature... of God the Father:

3:18 PM (4/28/23):
About 15 minutes ago, an idea occurred to me... and such was, 'one influences the manner by which, he/she departs from this world/reality... more actively, than that for how he/she enters such'... ...but I am curious, as to why... that is...

3:23 PM (4/28/23):
NOTE #1:
I looked this up, moments ago... in the context, of a recent remark... on my Facebook profile [featuring my best friend, of Rice University (Louis Chen)... preparing to slam dunk]... Asia consists of 48 countries, so when we speak of the continent... such is comprised of many subcategories... When people hear the word 'Asian,' they may stereotypically think of someone who is Chinese... or Japanese... but there are many other ethnicities, such as Taiwanese, Indian and Middle Eastern... to be generic... 
NOTE #2:
NOTE #3:
NOTE #4:
Geographical locations - 
Russia (Northern Asia)
Middle East (Western Asia)
India (Southern Asia)
Taiwan (Eastern Asia)
NOTE #5:
At 5:41-5:46 of this video, Mike Powell has the vibe of 'best believe, that they now know... about my accreditation'... after having broken, the long jump world record... at the 1991 World Championships, in Tokyo, Japan... with a distance of 8.95 meters (29'4.25")... ...I would say that this rendering of the footage, seems as though such is of 'witchcraft'... due to the shakiness...
A hypothesis (educated guess) of mine, is that Mike Powell's record... might withstand the test of time, for 123 years... ...due to the conditions (aligned variables) that were necessary, for such to occur...
see: post at 10:34 AM, on 1/31/23... from THE WORLD I WISH TO SEE (
Imagine in the future, a man walking down a hill... and a person in a crowd, at the bottom... saying 'it's been 123 years since anyone jumped that far, but he broke the record'...
...something about statistics/probability...
NOTE #6:

11:58 PM (4/27/23):
Interesting video, in which the Children's Choir... from the Korean School of New Jersey, sing music... I was consequently reminded, of how in the 4th grade (when I used to live in Chesterfield, MO)... my dad had signed up my two younger brothers, and I (along with himself)... for Taekwondo lessons (Korean martial arts)...

9:19 AM (4/25/23):
In the news, yesterday...
NOTE #1:
It's interesting, that a census indicates... that presently, there are '33' female... African American neurosurgeons...
NOTE #2:
NOTE #3:

11:48 AM (4/25/23):
Quite controversial

4:37 PM (4/24/23):
In the news, today...
In this video, a Kaleigh McEnany doppelganger is shown [see 0:52-1:02 of video #2 (above), for context]
NOTE #2:
Regarding videos #1 & #2, I wonder why (I didn't mind when 'they' made news broadcasts)...

6:10 PM (4/23/23):

“We don't have anything to eat, the authorities don't help us, we are doing this to give my daughters a better life,” Peroez said.
NOTE #1:
A revolution, it seems...
NOTE #2:
(humble mentality)
(work hard, play harder)

6:11 PM (4/23/23):
Interesting video, of an upper-class... residential area, in Shanghai, China... When I first viewed such, my impression was that each home was acting like it was its own 'White House'...

6:17 PM (4/23/23):
(a geographic map of Earth)
Around the world, standards of living... are subject, to great variation... on a spectrum...

6:22 PM (4/23/23):

12:28 PM (4/17/23):
"My weight, as of 11:41 AM... today (4/17/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 249 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
NOTE #1:
I would attribute the weight gain of '3' pounds, to my ingestion of pizza (when I visited a Trattoria establishment, on 4/11/23 and 4/14/23... and the fact, that due to much walking... in that time interval, I was 'heavily hydrating'...
See entry at 2:49 PM, on 4/15/23 >>> Michael Izuchukwu – Medium

1:51 PM (4/12/23):
"My weight, as of 1:30 PM... today (4/12/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 246 lbs. ...based off the increments, denoted by each line...)
NOTE #1:
Today and the day before, I walked from the South Orange train station... to my alma mater, Seton Hall University (and back)... ...and that may be a contributing variable...
a. Walk from 4/11/23:
b. Pre-walk, at 4/12/23 (today):

NOTE #2:
This reading confirms that in one year's time, I lost 22 pounds... (See post #3)
NOTE #3:
Interestingly, in my 'Theory of Dimensional Limitation'... which I had been working on, during my time at my former apartment complex... in University City, MO (from March 2020 to October 2020), I had made reference to the hypothesis... that my 'dimensional being limitation' in the afterlife, would be 225... and that of Jesus Christ's, would be 347... The differentiation, is 122 dimensions...
See (post from 2:17 PM, on 12/28/20):
NOTE #4:
NOTE #5:
Regarding my weight at 268 lbs. (on 4/12/22), compared to such now being 246 lbs. (today - 4/12/23)... I honestly feel that my vector (magnitude and direction) has remained 'relatively constant,' but subject to 'enhanced efficiency'... Aside from this, my energy level is arguably 'higher'...
NOTE #6:
2:35 PM (4/12/23):
I revisited this video, moments ago... and began contemplating, the means by which Jesus Christ... had walked, on water... Somehow, His feet became hydrophobic ('repelling water')... but if this is the case, one could accredit this phenomenon... to 'higher dimensions'... and Him having had some innate understanding, of them... Every particle in the cosmos, has a vibration... which is described by Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle... and such attests that it's impossible, to know the momentum and position... of a particle, simultaneously...

10:38 AM (4/10/23):
"My weight, as of 10:30 AM... today (4/10/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
On 4/12/22, I weighed 268.6 lbs. (see weight reading #3)... ...and this would have been '1' year ago, in 2 days... Thus, over the course of a year... I have lost approximately '17' pounds... by adhering to a modest exercise regimen (routine and intermittent, walking), with a moderated diet...
NOTE #2:
NOTE #3:
When Jesus Christ was on the cross, my hypothesis is that He was thirsting... 'for water'...
"I thirst..." - John 19:28

3:04 PM (4/3/23):
"My weight, as of 11:46 AM... today (4/3/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu (the zoom-in appears to show my weight is now 251 lbs., although I initially thought the arrow read '1 lb.' higher... After looking at the increments, denoted by each line... the realization was documented... ...the 'black arrow' would have to move 10 times further, to go from '250' to '260')
NOTE #1:
I noticed that the mechanical scale, can corroborate the readings... of the digital one... but I used the former, given my access to the latter... was not present, today....

2:50 PM (4/3/23):
NOTE #1:
A Coffee Meets Bagel suggestion, from earlier this morning..
(1 of 2)

(2 of 2)

NOTE #2:
I surmise that body mass index recommendation, varies... based off one's gender...

1:10 PM (3/28/23):
"Interesting comparison, of the sprinting styles... of Michael Johnson, and Noah Lyles..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

11:59 AM (3/28/23):
10 Habits of Women That Don't Stress | Protect Your Feminine Energy - YouTube
"I didn't really think there was such a thing as a 'life coach'... but that's interesting, given that my extensive blogging (word-based and video)... is essentially what that is. Nevertheless, I have yet to receive payment... for such services..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
12:11 PM (3/28/23):
Apparently, one needs 'certification'... I did not know this...
NOTE #2:

11:26 AM (3/28/23):
"Interesting video, featuring Usain Bolt's false start... at the 2011 World Championships, in Daegu, South Korea..." - Michael Izuchukwu ('prior to his run in the 2008 Olympics, for the 100-meter')
NOTE #1:
"In this video, in which Michio Kaku discusses the probability of extraterrestrial life... in the cosmos... a random dude appears, who seems to be channeling Usain Bolt's 'false start'...
NOTE #2:
The random dude is James Bond actor 'Daniel Craig,' although I had to watch that part of the video about 3 times... before identifying him, due to his appearance...

11:00 AM (3/27/23):
"My weight, as of 10:33 AM... today (3/27/23)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
I noticed that the scale, is subject to slight fluctuations... should I engage in subsequent weigh-ins, within moments of each other... By 10:41 AM, my weight was confirmed at 253.4 lbs. The oscillation was: 253.4 >>> 254.2 >>> 254.4 >>> 254.0 >>> 253.4...

11:58 AM (3/27/23):

1:22 PM (3/27/23):
"After watching this clip from the 1997 movie 'Titanic,' I began to reflect on how I cannot recollect any time... that I went on a cruise... There is the presumption that such activities are well-suited, for familial gatherings... and in the context of this, I concluded that at certain ages... one seeks to do things, which captures 'such stages'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"After browsing through some of the videos on this dude's TikTok account, my assessment was that he has the vibe of someone... who owes the IRS about $800,000 (even if that is not the case)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
IRS = Internal Revenue Service

"If this video was just 0:00-0:04, that would make such seem quite satirical..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:54 AM (3/22/23):
Contact - YouTube
"About 5 minutes ago, I concluded that until I lose 30 pounds... I will refrain ('limit myself') from making video footage of myself, with the intent of uploading such... to the internet... In the meanwhile, I will restrict myself... to snapping photos, of 'the miscellaneous'... The aforementioned is likely necessary, for a new ('renewed') version of myself... to emerge..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Interestingly, about 3 minutes after arriving at the above conclusion... I noticed that in the 'above' YouTube video recommendation, the length of the 1997 film 'Contact'... is exactly 2 hours & 29 minutes, alluding to the weight of 229 lbs. ('when' my objective, is completed)
NOTE #2:
Footage of some athletics (track and field) athletes, doing warm-up exercises
NOTE #4:

10:02 AM (3/20/23):
"My weight, as of 9:56 AM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
1:22 PM (3/20/23):
[monster triple jump (regarding how such is rendered), by dude in gray attire... the range of 55 feet]
NOTE #2:
The movement of the above jump, could be characterized as 'rhythmic and choppy'
1:23 PM (3/20/23):
Cool music, in this video...
When Jonathan Edwards triple jumped 60'0.25", the movement looked both 'rhythmic and rapid'...

10:32 AM (3/14/23):
"My weight, as of 10:15 AM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Interestingly, there are 26.2 miles in a marathon... and today is 'pi day'...

NOTE #2:
An interesting fact, is that the integer '262' has particular significance... regarding 'higher dimensions'...
For those dimensions which are less than '262,' the volume of a sphere... is less than, the volume of a cube... For those dimensions which are greater than or equal to '262,' the volume of a sphere... is greater than, the volume of a cube... ...this is observation (to my understanding and recollection), has been mathematically computated...

NOTE #3:
The presumption is that these higher dimensions, are spatial [time is regarded as a temporal dimension - the fourth, in relation to the three spatial dimensions (length, width and height/depth), that humans are accustomed to]...
"I am curious about the derivation, for dimension 262... being a 'juncture'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (11:39 AM, 3/14/23)

NOTE #4:
Maybe the length of a marathon, was designated as 26.2 miles... for some reason, relating to 'higher dimensions'...

1:47 PM (3/10/23):
"My weight, as of 1:38 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
Recollecting that my weight my senior year of high school (2007-2008) had been 204 lbs./pounds, I suppose it would be interesting... if I were to arrive at such, once again... Nevertheless, my frame is arguably 'muscular-slim (and muscle weighs more than fat)'... so I surmise that over time, physiological changes may account... for weight gain, and maintenance... It is puzzling though, that this observation is at odds with the concept of 'body mass index'... and my primary care physician's recommendation, is to be in a healthy range... Due to my muscular composition, it is logical to believe that I am an anomaly (given that my height is 6'4")...
NOTE #2:
Physiques are subject, to variation... but due to my history of triple jumping in my adolescence (5th grade to Rice University, and a track meet in 2016... where I competed 'unattached (no team)', I have a personal perception... of what my ideal (or optimal) form, is like...
NOTE #3:
Maybe my ideal form could be characterized as someone popping a 61-foot triple jump, and saying 'you did not see me'...
NOTE #4:
Either something is going on with spacetime, gravity and/or dimensions, or weight loss (in the context of the aforementioned)... would require adjusting my dietary intake, and/or caloric expenditure...
NOTE #5:
In 2019, when I was in Virginia Beach, VA... and had stopped by the Virginia Beach Psychiatric center... during the interval of time, I had been experiencing vagrancy (given I had no official residence in that state, when I had been there for 4 months)... my weight had been recorded as 199 lbs./pounds. ...there was a period of time, I had been sprinting along the coastline... at the oceanfront...

2:37 PM (1/26/23):
"My weight, as of 2:28 PM... today..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Interestingly, I lost about '5' pounds in the past 9 days... but haven't really made any significant adjustments, regarding my dietary intake, exercise regimen or hydrating...

11:42 AM (1/17/23):
"My weight as of 11:27 AM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
Since 3/8/22, my weight has been relatively consistent...and interestingly... the integers of that date, nearly coincide with the time interval that I had been doing my spiritual writings (3/6/19 to 10/17/22 - 3 years and 8 months, if the first March is counted)... before my first proclamation, that they were complete... The second proclamation of such, had been on 1/16/23...
see (for post at 7:33 AM, on 1/16/23): IF YOU MET 'TOMORROW,' TODAY ( 

4:11 PM (12/1/22):
"My weight as of 3:33 PM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
NOTE #1:
To my understanding, for the past 9 months or so... my weight has been consistent in the pound range, of the '260's'... 
5:00 PM (12/1/22):
...perhaps there is such a thing as 'spiritual gravity,' which may impact 'weight readings'... in the context of how a human has a spirit, mind and body... and the interplay of these variables, has an impact... on how one perceives time's flow, in the context of spacetime... and how time is relative, to the observer (according to Albert Einstein)...
5:08 PM (12/1/22):
NOTE #2:
There was a point in time, when I was at Virginia Beach, VA's psychiatric center... in the summer of 2019, during the period of time... I was experiencing 'perpetual vagrancy,' and not in Norfolk, VA (where Eastern Virginia Medical School, is located)... I recollect a 'weight reading' of 199 lbs. (pounds) then, when a physician by the name of 'Dr. Robert Light'... had suggested I check such (in the aftermath, of the aforementioned)...

VIRGINIA 2019 videos (some):

3:24 PM (10/6/22):
"My weight as of 2:59 PM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu (I attempted to upload a saved photo of such, via my laptop... but there was a denial of my ability, to do so)
My 'senior' year of high school (2007-2008) I weighed 204 pounds (lbs.)... Since then, I likely have gained more 'muscle mass (muscle weighs more than fat)'... but I am curious as to what would happen, if I lost 60 pounds (while maintaining my present 'power level')... I have a distinct, physiological efficiency... despite what 'body mass indexes' may attest, for those who may relate to my present weight, age, gender and height...
(I noticed that the speed of these 2 videos, has been 'slightly slowed')
Newark Broad St to Chipotle Mexican Grill - Google Maps (,+University+Avenue,+Newark,+NJ/Chipotle+Mexican+Grill,+222+Market+Street,+Newark,+NJ/@40.7411113,-74.1762873,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c254874ee28589:0xa8a76c74b094944d!2m2!1d-74.1719231!)

11:54 AM (9/30/22):
"My weight, as of 10:42 AM... today... I believe the 11-pound increase, is partially attributable to 'water weight'... aside from the fact, that my dietary intake... has been relatively, consistent... I suspect that such is at odds, with my present 'cardiovascular efficiency (regarding 'power walking endurance' and 'trekking')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:53 PM (8/2/22):
"My weight, as of 1:39 PM... today... I haven't really done anything different, regarding exercise or my dietary regimen... since the last time I weighed, which was 35 days (or 5 weeks) ago... but I have noticed an increase, in my 'physiological efficiency,' implying how I felt during the last measurement... is comparable, to now..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:58 PM (6/28/22):
"My weight, as of 2:44 PM... today... I am now 59 pounds (lbs.) heavier, than I was... as of my senior year of high school (2008), when I recollect having weighed in at 204 lbs. ...near the school gymnasium..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:00 PM (5/23/22): 
"My weight, from 12:48 PM today... Over time, I have been gauging the ratio of my caloric intake, to caloric expenditure... and for this reason, I now believe I have reached a crossroads... regarding such..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:08 PM (5/13/22):
"My weight, from 7:54 AM today... I had purchased this scale from Walgreens, a day or so ago... but returned such, today... given that there is another one, at my dominion (in an office)... At present, I have concluded that I have a diet which may be relatively 'carbohydrate-rich,' causing water retention... Nevertheless, I have noticed a subtle variation in my dietary intake... over time, accounting for the consistency of measurements... even though my frame is slender/muscular... I may build muscle easily (which weighs more than fat), but I suspect a target weight for me... may be 212 to 230 pounds (lbs.)... To my recollection, my senior year of high school... I weighed 204 lbs...
Ultimately, one's heart doesn't have to work as hard to pump blood... if one has a healthier body mass index, assuming there is an ideal ratio... between muscle and fat, with respect to the formulation... of one's power-weight ratio..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:09 PM (4/26/22):
"I stored the photo of my weight today, in my online database... If you look closely after clicking on such (via a desktop computer, for instance), you can see that it says the time is 1:00 PM (after such was sent to myself)... when such is actually 12:59 PM, in the lower-right. Such gives credence to my prior hypothesis, that the 'digital calibration' is questionable... given that such may be subject to occasional and subtle, cyber alteration... by an unknown source.... This may apply to a variety of electronic mediums, for data storage or analysis..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:04 PM (4/26/22):

(12:51 PM, on 4/26/22)


1:04 PM (4/12/22): 

(11:22 AM, on 4/12/22)


10:32 AM (on 3/25/22)

(after 17 days, my weight is the same... even though I initially suspected, the calibration of the digital scale... could be 'off'... Muscle does weigh more than fat, so that gives credence... to my hypothesis)


"Either my junior or senior year of high school (2006-2007 or 2007-2008), at the gym... I had a 'weigh-in' of 204 lbs. (pounds)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:26 PM (3/8/22)
